By Robert Lord Directed by Stephen Millar Season: 2 – 12 October 2013 A deliciously funny, furious, farcical Kiwi comedy. Set in the somewhat rundown main office of a police station in a small New Zealand town, circa 1970’s … Fawlty Towers meets Fred Dagg. Written by the late New Zealand playwright Robert Lord, and newly edited by Stephen Sinclair of "Ladies' Night" fame, it's a play of based around mistaken identities and police cock-ups. "Well Hung" features a kook, a cop, his wife and her lover. A deliciously funny, furious, farcical Kiwi comedy. Cast: Bert - Sam Fisher Trev - Vaughan Luckman Sharp - Steven Barker Lynette - Whitney Greene Hortensia - Anna Willows Wally - Ben Whatson Adam - Colin McKinney Production Team: Director - Steve Millar Production Manager - Carole Payton Stage Manager - Brian Sullivan Stage Hand - Katharine Barker | Press Review: