By J M Synge Directed by Dawn Somerville Season: 9 - 19 November 1983 Set in a pub in western Ireland in the early 1900s, the play tells the story of a young man who attains a hero-like status among the local villagers by telling a rousing story about having murdered his father. He relates his story in an engaging style using an Irish dialect known as Hiberno-English. When the play premiered at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin on January 26, 1907, riots broke out as some felt the plot was immoral and offensive to Ireland. Cast: Christopher Mahon (Christy) - Tim Allen Old Mahon - Keith Cooke Michael James Flaherty - Mervyn Glue Margaret Flaherty (Pegeen Mike) - Angela Simpson Widow Quinn - Toni Glue Shawn Keogh (Shaneen) - Ross Gumbley Philly Cullen - David Bridges Jimmy Farrell - Brian Pearce Sara Tansey - Petrina Thin Susan Brady - Helen Coulson Honor Blake - Mandy Bruce Villagers - John Riddell, Keven Bolt, Paul Irons | Toni Glue, Angie Simpson, Keith Cook, Mervyn Glue, Ross Gumbley, and Tim Allen (front on floor). |