Season: 15 - 25 August 1990 The White Liars By Peter Shaffer Directed by Ann Bartlett A fortune teller is lamenting her lack of customers, when two young men arrive. An intriguing tale unfolds challenging the audience to decide who is speaking the truth and who is telling lies ... white or otherwise. With an interesting twist at the end, this play makes its audience think and, at the same time, is an incisive comment on human nature. The play has been skillfully abridged without losing any importance of content. Cast: <tba> Black Comedy By Peter Shaffer Directed by Ann Bartlett Black Comedy is just what it says ... a comedy played in the dark. Well ... the lights are actually on but the players don't know it. A misconceived plan to fool o famous art collector goes hilariously wrong when the lights are fused in o young artist's flat. With an ex-girlfriend, a new girlfriend, her old arum father, a camp next door neighbour or two and a German refugee arriving to add to the mayhem, Black Comedy provides a lot of laughs for a cold winter night. Cast: <tba> |