By Stephen Briggs Directed by Tom Vavasour Season: 27 Sep - 7 Oct The story of Mort, who has been chosen as Death's apprentice. He gets board and lodging and free use of company horse, and doesn't even need time off for his grandmother's funeral. The trouble begins when instead of collecting the soul of a princess, he kills her would-be assassin, and changes history. Cast: Mort - Jeff Clark Death - Miles Dalton Albert -John Boyce Ysabell - Jo Stephens-Cockburn Lezek - Lisa Radcliffe Goodie & Keeble - Mary Image or Lisa Radcliffe Hamesh - Sam Averis Walter & Door Knocker - Callum Paul Princess Keli - Melanie Camp Town Crier - Jonathan Fisher Cutwell - Sam Fisher King Olerve, Bursar & MC - Stephen Austin Assassin, Landlord & Prince - Eric Ufi Poa-Owsley Maid, Servant, Woman & Acolyte - Wendy Griffiths Sto Helit & Abbott - Scott Koorey or Tom Vavasour Vizier - Julian Southgate |