By April de Angelis Directed by: Garry Thomas Season: 20 - 30 April 2016 “I don’t look 50. I don’t act 50. I could get away with … 43?” Hilary, an anguished north London heroine, has made it to 50 with not nearly enough to show for it: her ever-texting teenage daughter is in a state of perpetual, highly sexed rebellion,her marriage has sagged into severe disrepair and her worthy job on a local ‘reading support’ unit is falling prey to the cuts. Cast: Hilary - Anna Willows Mark - Rob Smith Tilly - Stella Cheersmith Frances - Amanda Shields Lyndsey - Jordan Knight Bea - Ursula Cheer Roland - Barry Tomkinson Josh - Brett McPhail Cam - Sam Primrose | “It’s funny, deliciously rude and at times piercingly moving…” The Guardian |